Tech East 100
Shining a spotlight on the Tech East 100
Tech East 100 is a new initiative which aims to shine a spotlight on some of the leading-edge tech businesses located in Norfolk and Suffolk and support their growth ambitions.
The programme is led by Tech East and backed by Suffolk and Norfolk local authorities, New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership, BT and an impressive list of local sponsors.
Our tech community here in the East is diverse and broad ranging and we wanted the Tech East 100 to reflect this. We asked our judges to identify: our most exciting start-ups; scale ups with high growth potential, established national leaders and companies securing significant investment successes. We wanted them to recognise local businesses pioneering new technologies or carving out new market niches as well as community players creating jobs for our local economy or new products and services to help make the world a better place.
We want to help businesses and our tech community to thrive, to create new jobs and to attract and retain tech talent here in our region. We want to help tech companies to develop new market opportunities and to raise their profile with customers, partners and potential investors both at home and overseas. We want to build the reputation of Norfolk and Suffolk as a great place for tech companies to do business.
filter by technology
PVC Professor Fiona Lettice
Madeleine Coupe
Building a world-class tech ecosystem in the East
Showcasing the East
We celebrate success, innovation and good practice wherever we find it. We shine a light on startups, scaleups and late-stage businesses who are leading the way. We join the dots to demonstrate the strength of the region-wide cluster.
Amplifying the voice of tech business
Digital businesses make a significant contribution to the UK economy. Wherever there is an unmet need for talent & skills, investment & funding, tailored business support or business infrastructure we call it out and influence government and business to fix it.
Bridging gaps in the ecosystem
Wherever there is a broken link between the needs of tech businesses and the support offered externally we forge stronger connections and build bridges. Whether between skills providers and businesses seeking talent to grow or investors and businesses looking for capital to scale, Tech East provides the 'glue'.
Partnering with coworking spaces, incubators and accelerators
We have partnerships with some of the best physical hubs in the region. We enable members to seamlessly build a regional network and leverage workspace and support in the whole 'tech diamond' of Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, and Cambridgeshire.