You know you must get your points across, and someone told you to remember your call to action at the end of the presentation. That’s lovely, but I’m here to help you with the anxiety of presenting and how you can build your confidence and deliver a great presentation every time.

More reliance on conferencing tools like Zoom and Teams means there is even more opportunity to deliver a relaxed experience and ace it.

✔ Learn how to prepare for a presentation
✔ What to do during the presentation to make it easier and a better experience for all
✔ Hacks you can use thanks to video conferencing (you don’t have to wear anything from the waist down for one!)

Geraint Thomas Sync Ipswich

About Geraint:

Geraint Thomas, Director of tech consultancy Guided Innovation Ltd, is a self-proclaimed geek. He loves the latest technologies that exist and particularly loves the ones that don’t quite exist yet.

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Organiser: SyncIpswich

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