By Brigette Currin 1 minute read


Digital contact tracing is a profoundly debatable topic in the world currently, with numerous individuals scrutinising the adequacy of digital contact tracing apps and reprimanding their usefulness. Yet, what are the facts, really? The article on our website will take you through the top questions and concerns regarding digital contact tracing including:

  • Defining what digital contact tracing is
  • Describing current digital contract tracing methodologies
  • Providing information on the history of contact tracing apps
  • Covering Covid-19 digital contact tracing apps being used worldwide
  • Outlining the ethics involved with digital contact tracing
  • Pinpointing the issues with digital contact tracing
  • Pinpointing the benefits of digital contact tracing
  • Giving our opinion on whether people should be using digital contact tracing

View the full article here.