Orbital Global
World leading digital services and technology
Orbital Global is a world-leading digital services and technology company, based in the UK. Founded in 2003, Orbital is a Tech East 100, Future 50 and Innovate UK scaleup company and is referred to by industry luminaries as “world-leading and a digital pioneer”.
Orbital Global incorporates three divisions:
Orbital Media uses the latest technology and award-winning marketing strategies to connect brands with consumers; services include app / game development, influencer outreach, community management, digital campaigns, SEO, social monitoring, digital advertising, pharmacovigilance, and global digital strategy. It works with many of the world’s biggest global companies including GSK, Johnson & Johnson, Adidas and BT. https://orbitalmedia.com/
Orbital Innovations is leading the world in developing and licensing groundbreaking technologies, that in many instances, will have a tangible impact on improving healthcare outcomes and saving lives. Specific areas of focus include artificial intelligence, virtual reality, augmented reality and gamification. https://orbitalinnovations.com
Orbital Research pioneered and developed the Digital Real World Evidence research methodology, which offers a low-cost solution for generating new claims on licensed medicines or medical devices. This innovative and award-winning methodology has been referred to as a “game changer” and is estimated to create over £5 billion in value for the healthcare industry, over the next 5 years. https://www.orbitalglobalresearch.com