By Tech East 4 minute read

Effective Strategies for a Thriving Workforce 

No company wants to lose their best players. The cost of recruiting and training a replacement is significant, not to mention the cultural impact of a changing dynamic. Retaining top talent in the fast-paced tech industry, especially within SMEs, is even harder.

We’ll explore why people leave, why it’s more of a problem in the Tech industry, and what can be done to avoid it.

The Cost of Losing Your Staff

Employee turnover is costly. According to the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), the cost of replacing an employee can be as high as 50-60% of their annual salary, with overall costs ranging from 90-200% when factoring in lost productivity, recruitment, and training expenses. Additionally, the loss of a skilled employee can disrupt team dynamics and impact morale, further exacerbating the problem.

Why It’s More Prevalent in the Tech Industry

The tech industry faces a higher turnover rate than many other sectors. According to LinkedIn Workforce Reports, the voluntary turnover rate in tech is 13.2% higher than other industries. Several factors contribute to this trend:

  • Rapid Innovation: The fast-paced nature of tech means skills can quickly become obsolete, pushing employees to seek new opportunities that offer growth and learning.
  • High Demand for Talent: Skilled tech professionals are in high demand, leading to frequent poaching and job-hopping as employees chase better offers.
  • Generational Shifts: With millennials and Gen Z dominating the workforce, priorities such as career growth, meaningful work, and work-life balance are paramount (Pew Research Centre).

Why SMEs in Particular Are More at Risk

SMEs often struggle more with retention compared to larger companies due to several unique challenges:

  • Resource Constraints: SMEs may not have the financial flexibility to offer competitive salaries and benefits.
  • Limited Career Advancement: Smaller companies may offer fewer opportunities for career progression, making it harder to retain ambitious employees.
  • Cultural Fit: In a small team, a negative cultural fit can be more pronounced and can lead to higher turnover.

What Can Be Done to Mitigate High Retention Rates

To tackle retention challenges, tech SMEs need to implement a multi-faceted approach:

  1. Competitive Compensation and Benefits:
    • Offer innovative packages like stock options, performance bonuses, and flexible work arrangements.
    • Provide comprehensive health insurance, retirement plans, and wellness benefits.
  2. Cultivate a Positive Company Culture:
    • Build an inclusive, supportive, and engaging work environment by encouraging open communication.
    • Recognize employee achievements and promote work-life balance.
  3. Enhance Employee Engagement:
    • Provide professional development opportunities and regular feedback.
    • Create a sense of purpose in work and implement recognition programs.
  4. Invest in Employee Wellbeing:
    • Implement mental health initiatives, stress management programs, and offer counselling services.
    • Promote physical health with access to fitness professionals alongside wellness challenges.
    • Support financial wellness with financial coaching programs.
  5. Focus on Leadership and Management:
    • Develop leadership programs and inclusive management practices to foster a supportive environment.
  6. Leverage Remote Work:
    • Integrate remote work with in-person collaboration opportunities and team-building activities to reduce isolation and maintain engagement.
  7. Navigate AI and Automation:
    • Offer reskilling and upskilling opportunities to help employees adapt to technological changes.

Additional Advice About Wellbeing Benefits

Wellbeing benefits are crucial in retaining top talent, especially in high-stress industries like tech. However, these benefits must be:

  • Personal: Tailor wellbeing programs to meet the individual needs of employees.
  • Holistic: Address mental, physical, and financial health comprehensively.
  • Human-Centered: Offering face-to-face access to the professionals who can help.

Choosing the Right Providers:

  • Select providers who actively drive engagement and offer personalised support.
  • Ensure that programs are easy to use and that employees are aware of the resources available to them.


Tech SMEs can overcome retention challenges by adopting a comprehensive approach that includes competitive compensation, a positive company culture, robust employee engagement initiatives, effective leadership, and investments in employee wellbeing. By prioritising these aspects, SMEs can foster loyalty, retain top talent, and ensure a thriving workforce in an increasingly competitive industry.

Addressing retention is not just about keeping employees; it’s about building a sustainable and resilient organisation. With the right strategies, tech SMEs can create an environment where employees are motivated to stay, grow, and contribute to the company’s success.

‍Jamie Humphrey