By Brigette Currin 2 minute read

The award-winning Scion training scheme provided by Netmatters is a fantastic opportunity, for both the trainees who undertake the course and the organisations that we work with to find roles for the graduates.

Our scheme was born in order to fill a gap in our own workforce. We needed to take on more developers in-house but didn’t have the time to get junior developers up to speed for our needs. We were reliant on finding more experienced developers – just like every other business in the region. In order to prevent this from becoming a longer-term issue, we decided to bring individuals onboard who have a passion for coding/development and train them up to be fully-fledged developers.

Since 2017 things have changed and evolved. We still use the Scion Scheme to fill our own recruitment needs, but the tech community in Norfolk has also embraced the idea – and now we are looking to expand and roll out the opportunity to businesses looking to sponsor, all over East Anglia.

We are now able to offer our training to individuals in Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge, and Essex and that means we will have talented, dedicated individuals looking for roles in all of those areas and we are looking for forward-thinking organisations to get involved in providing roles for these exceptional individuals to work towards.

Scion Coalition Collaborator Pack