By Tech East 1 minute read

Under immense pressure from the present wave of technological revolution, businesses, especially high-tech firms, are compelled to relentlessly pursue innovations in order to strengthen and sustain competitive advantages. To achieve this, high-tech firms must seek out and combine multiple sources of knowledge in efficient and effective ways.

However, knowledge searching is a costly undertaking, with businesses on average allocating up to 19.5% of their budget on searching and other R&D activities each year (Statista, 2023). Without an effective search strategy, firms risk wasting their resources and failing on innovation and business performance targets.

Our research, titled “The art of balance: two search dimensions of ambidexterity and spatiality” is proudly funded by the British Academy/Leverhulme Small Grant Trust (SG2122\210363 Round 2021-2022) to investigate novel combinations of knowledge from multiple sources for innovation in high-tech cluster businesses.

We need your help to complete the survey in order to design a step-by-step toolkit for high-tech cluster businesses to enhance their innovativeness. The survey will take less than 10 minutes to complete. If you have any inquiries about this research, please contact the principal investigator Dr. Alice Ngo at

You can find the link here, or use the QR code above.